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May 2 - 6, 2022

Communities In Schools Coordinators work alongside teachers at Title 1 schools to help at-risk students. Different kids have different needs. Some need academic help; some need a stable home and food on the table or someone who will listen and help guide the way. Others just need a pair of eyeglasses to stay on track at school. Often working behind the scenes at all hours of day and night, the men and women at CIS work directly with students and their families. As you can imagine, these needs have increased during COVID-19 

Our goal this year is to provide gifts of appreciation to these men and women.  We'll be providing gift bags, filled with snacks small gifts and gift cards as a way of saying, "We appreciate and value the difference you're making in the lives of children in our community."

Here are several ways you can help:

  • Make a donation at

  • May 9-12 - Volunteer to help deliver gifts during school hours. This is a fun way for individuals, businesses, faith-based communities and civic groups to give back. Send us an email at to learn more.

Together, we can make this HAPPEN!

Teacher Appreciation week is a time of the year when parents and PTA groups thank educators who are making a difference in the lives of our children and community at large, with small gifts of appreciation. There are 1000+ teachers in our area who are working at Title 1 schools. Generally speaking, Title 1 schools are serving the children of economically challenged families and communities.   


We realize Title 1 teachers are making a big difference in the lives of our children and community at large. We also realize these teachers deal with some unique situations on a daily basis.   Our goal with this initiative is to simply come alongside these teachers and provide gift boxes filled with snacks and gifts for the faculty at Title 1 schools.  It's simply our way of saying, "We appreciate and value the difference you're making in the lives of children in our community." 


This initiative began in 2016 and has continued every year.  In 2019, we pulled together people and resources to appreciate the faculty and staff at 23 of the most challenged Title 1 Schools in our area.  Needless to say, these educators felt appreciated and valued.  


As the COVID19 saga continues to unfold, it's become apparent that healthcare workers and TEACHERS are the heroes  of our day.  Although safety guidelines will not allow us to serve lunches this year, we will be delivering  large gift boxes to the faculty at Title 1 SchoolsTogether,


This initiative will take place from May 2nd to May 6th, 2022.  Your donation to this effort will support a huge thank you to our local educators.  Together, we can do this!


2016-2019 Annual Teacher Appreciation Initiatives

Appreciating Those Making a Difference in Our Community


©2024 by Bridging RVA

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