For the second year in a row, we were honored to participate in the University of Richmond (UR) Law School‘s orientation day for first-year law students. As these men and women prepare to embark on a first-class educational journey together, many of them were meeting one another for the first time. On the morning of August 15th, we had the opportunity to meet and serve alongside a group of these students.
Thanks to our awesome donors and the wonderful volunteers from UR, we made sure 25 children, who woke up without a bed of their own on the morning of August 16th, would go to sleep in a brand new bed of their own that night.
Here‘s what we learned:
When community forms around an idea, task or mission, something beautiful happens:
People discover one another in new and more meaningful ways.
Strangers become acquaintances and friends.
We’re reminded that those we serve are human beings just like us.
If your group or organization would like to get involved in a team building event and/or local service opportunity, check out for more info.